Dream Home Health Care Foundation

On February 21, 2009 a commitment was given to Youth Development and Capacity Building, Inc (YDCABINC) by Emory University of Decatur, Georgia to host the Youth Education, Communication, and Health-Finance Summit at the White Hall building by Dr. Lynn Zimmerman, Senior Vice Provost for External Academic Affairs & Deputy to the Provost; Professor of Biology which was our host. Dr. Zimmerman has been committed, like President Obama. The nation has joined hands to commit to our youth, communities, socially disadvantage, and underserved communities to teach education prosperity. However, we have so much to do to accomplish our goals in this Millennium fiscal year 2009 to develop better communities and teachings for our youth. The corporations and government are still bringing in the clowns to entertain our youth but not allowing professional educators in Washington

DC to expose the problems in our society that entertainers and professional athletics can't do. Most of our athletics and entertainers will attend program in major cities but many of the underground States, rural towns, and counties are overlook and all of these youth remain without resources to expand and grow as a nation. Many of these youth are not counted in our census for reason that will take too long to discuss, but they all want the same a great education. We pay too much attention to our athletes, actors, entertainers and very little time and money to our Doctors, Surgeons, Health care providers, and especially our Teachers that have a direct impact to our youth and are willing to raise the bar.

On April 12, 2009 President Obama spoke to the nation at Georgetown University, in Washington, DC to explain the progress regarding the stimulus package and what he has achieve in the last 3 months sense taken office. Many are still outrage regarding the bailout AIG, GMC, Banks, and others who received government bailout dollars, while our youth educational system in most states want to layoff of teachers, counselors, trainers, nurse, and more, but more money continues to go to the masters of corporate America . Perhaps President Obama is doing the right thing but many families in American are still without food, clothing, money for bills, homes still foreclosing, bank raising the rates on good customers, causing many to close they credit card accounts, credit limits depleting because Bank want more of your money and providing less of it to the public. Many of those that had good credit before the banks raised the APR rate to double like Bank of America and Capital One in some cases made it impossible for good credit holders to keep their credit cards. However, if they are increasing our rates they should use the profits to fund higher education in low income areas. But the new foundation that being structured by President Obama still leaves socially disadvantage and underserved people out in the cold with nowhere to run mainly because of the past Administration failures to help. However, big Corporations and government are not stepping up to the plate to fund Community Basic Organizations (CBO's) and like Director, Jean Harper of Winston Self Help Youth Group, Future Generation 4H Group, of Louisville, Mississippi; and keep teachers like the outstanding math teach Travis L Brown, at Peyton Elementary, of Atlanta, GA; or Deanna Gardner, Mentoring program for foster youth in Fairburn, Georgia, and Karon Etienne, Executive Director of The Zoe Foundation ( ZOE Camp) in Brandywine, Maryland and others that have been teaching our youth every day.

These organizations have the skills and the promise to keep our youth alive to the next Millennium and beyond however, President Obama, speech April 13, 2009 pledged funding for Education Achievement, New Inventors, Early childhood, and education development growth. But, how are we going to achieve this when we are still laying teachers off and not helping the outreach programs in our community centers across this nation. Many of these outreach communities voted for President Obama and wants him to succeed but how long will the BIG CATS get money and we the people never see the fruits from it. President Obama speech inform the country that it will continue to get worse before it gets better, but how long will our children in the forgotten states, towns, and rural counties see some relief, because most of them have already hit rock bottom some 6 years ago.

Corporate and government should commit to Ebone Mays an outstanding student at Louisville High School with the hope of going to Harvard University in August 2009, but they turn her down because they couldn't except anymore low income students or something like that. Ebone Mays has been waiting 2 years to get into Harvard University and have worked hard in her community and has been loyal and committed to the promise set by this nation. Youth Development and Capacity Building, Inc "YDACBINC" has worked with youth like Ebone to get them into Universities and colleges so that these youth can excel to the highest level ever, but the system said NO. What do we tell the Ebone's of the nation that you can't get into Harvard University when you have work so hard to achieve greatness? YDACBINC and others keep it going because someday the Stimulus Package and all of its great wealth will get to them, one day. Why don't big corporations take their big bonus checks and assist these youth in attending college or universities. They won't miss it because they have already set the stage for their own child to attend the BIG colleges because of increase in government bailout funding. We can't blame President Obama for the problems that this country has inherited, but we need to make those accountable for this collapse to pay dearly for destroying our nation and allowing our children to suffer in this way. One of the questions asks to youth in YDACBINC survey; "was what our youth would like the stimulus package to bring to their town or community. The reply "improving the community's lively hood. Chris replied" quoted by saying" he would like more places to have youth programs in his town of Louisville, MS and youth in Washington, DC to Wewoka, Oklahoma wanted more Outreach Centers that will expand their skill levels and education. The previsions will help youth expand their power to grow and utilizes the outdoors instead of playing video games all day.

We need One hundred percent (100%) reform and guidance's with our youth from Washington, DC to Wewoka, Oklahoma in a school system that is damage goods like (old books, schools with bad maintenance problems, musical programs deleted, inaccurate nutrition programs, and other important needs to educate our youth. These problems are more damaging to the inner city poverty underground communities. However, year after year the Democratics and the Republicans especially Republicans do nothing to help these problems in our school system, except selling dreams to our youth. Each school system is unique with similar problems across this nation, but all of our youth are in the same boat of dreams. The simple essentials that are required for our youth to expand their learning and become great citizens are not being answered. However, the prison system is taken our young males off to prison camps for numerous violations committed by them, but our young females are having too many babies by these daddy that are imprisoned and not taking proper precautions to prevent new birth. Many of these baby mommy issues are because of both males and females not being more careful and not being responsible for bringing a another life into this world. There are many babies that don't know who their daddy or mother is because of the long term problems that face our communities "poverty and lack of education". Reform and changes are the only foundation that should be address in 2009 of the New Millennium. We need to give hope and answers to our children problems and not complicate their lives with lies from Congress, Corporate American, and Government. If you had the pleasure as YDACBINC had to travel across this country and talk with young people you would be surprise about the issues they have. I always said you learn a lot about our youth if you travel the school halls from class to class with them, because you learn more in one day than you could in one month with counseling youth.

We will be fair and commend the likes of Russell Simmons, Travis Smiley, Michael Dyson Clay, Hill Harper, Magic "Ewing" Johnson, and others for doing a great job with our youth and the community, but we have millions of youth that live in the forgotten towns and we have over 1500 plus sport and entertainment millionaires that can do much more. However, we don't have enough voices for youth as I stated in an earlier articles regarding our youth and where their live. You don't see the NBA Corporation, National Urban League, Marshalls, Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, GM, Toyota, Kodak, and Starbucks just to name a few in these underground communities. All these forgotten towns purchase items from these corporations, sport jerseys, entertainment logos, etc. But none of them will come into these communities because corporations don't see them contributing to their bottom- line directly. But Emory University a private institution works with YDACBINC to help these youth of forgotten towns and Dr. J. Lynn Zimmerman was the reason why some of these programs exist. Her commitment is helping youth attend Emory University, Decatur, GA on full academic scholarships and summer programs to expand they growth.

Georgia and the world need to thank Dr. Neil Shulman of Decatur, Georgia one of YDACBINC good friends and partners as well as a Medical Professors and Doctor at Emory University, author: literacy of children books, medical books, children educational television shows PBS, and movie writer/screenplay producers. During YDACBINC 2009 Summit, Dr. Shulman presented the youth with his latest book, Red Light Warning Signal and a host of youth educational teaching tools. In additional to his program "What's in A Doctors Bag" Dr. Shulman kept the youth laughing, learning, and participating in quizzes while explaining the different medical terms and what youth should be looking for before running to the emergency room. Dr. Shulman, mentioned during his teaching; if we knew what is going on in our bodies before we go to the emergency room we can save lives and prevent unwanted diagnosis which will allow our emergency room to services real emergencies. President Obama health care program only reflects the BIG pharmaceutical companies that don't want to help the people. Why are we so greedy that we don't want to keep our youth, families, and communities healthy? How is President Obama going to provide health care for the nation when the powers to be don't want it anyhow? Let's face the facts when the United States of America wants something it get it by taken it or give away the kitchen not the hold sink but enough of it. Reference former President Bush. What is this nation going to do when the simple people just trying to pay their bills are forces in the streets, like many in California, Arizona, New York, Chicago, and small towns as well? We know what happen to the youth of Iraq, we the people are paying for it and we had nothing to do with the decision to go to war.

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

dream home health care foundation

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